
Sort outlook live inbox
Sort outlook live inbox

sort outlook live inbox

When all messages are sitting in a single folder, it makes it much harder to find one “that came in last week” that you need urgently. Organize Your Mail Using Folders & Categories This can save you tons of time trying to identify your most important messages, since Outlook will separate them for you.

sort outlook live inbox

You then move your important messages to Focused, so the system understands which are most important to you. You can turn it on by going to the View tab in Outlook and clicking “Show Focused Inbox”. Using focused inbox in Outlook allows you to separate your inbox into two separate tabs – Focused and Other. Trying to sort out spam or less urgent emails from the important ones is not only time-consuming, it can also cause users to miss important messages that are sandwiched between advertisements and spam. Use Focused Inbox to Automatically Sort Out Important Messages If you’ve been looking for ways to make email less of a drag on your time and more efficient, we’ve got several tips below to help. Outlook in Microsoft 365 gives users many tools to improve the way they handle email to boost productivity, but you have to know how to use them to get their full benefit.

sort outlook live inbox

Messages get buried and users spend hours trying to sort relevant and important information from less important. When email isn’t handled very efficiently, people end up with all messages coming into one overloaded inbox that only seems to get bigger each week. The average person spends 28% of their work week reading, writing, and replying to emails (and searching through them!). Email is one of the most time-consuming activities that people do daily, no matter what type of business they’re in.

Sort outlook live inbox